Catholic prophecies and the 10 secrets, events that are about to unfold...

The Rescue: Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

Charlie Johnston states: "My purpose is to reassure people of God's loving intention for them in the trials that are now breaking; to help strengthen them to endure until the time of deliverance." "God has done something that has been very good for me here. I have been visited by my angel; who was assigned to train me since the time I can remember. Sometimes people ask me when did you meet your angel? I will ask them; when did you meet your mom and dad? He has always been there." "What happened was, when I was a little kid, my angels told me then, that in my lifetime, the world was going to enter into the greatest crisis in the history of the world." "What my job is, is not primarily to give you messages" "Most of the messages are for me."

"My fundamental message is...
1. To acknowledge God.
2. Take the next right step.
3. Be a sign of hope to those around you."

"My primary job has been, that people would be terrified when these times came." " I am seeing the world in disastrous straits." "Economy Collapsing." "Global Civil War fought along cultural lines." "Just great trials, the worst in the history of the world, the worst crisis." "You don't have to be a prophet to see what is coming now!" "The Storm, this is not the end, this is God, renewing his people, he is going to bring us through this and transform the world."

"Let me explain something here: Do not pray to avoid the Storm, the Storm is the act of mercy. If we continue to go down the path we are, then it is over. All you have to look forward to is impoverishment and chains. If you had terminal cancer, and you were given chemotherapy that you knew with certainty, would not only cure you, but would leave you healthier and stronger than you were, to begin with, you would be an udder fool to pray to get out of the therapy, because if you don't have the chemotherapy, you die. Spiritually, we got a terrible cancer on the world. The Storm is the instrument by which God renews the world. So, if you get rid of the Storm, it all comes to a halt. So that's why I say, people talk about mitigating this, the storm is part of God's mitigation."

"The Storm isn't even his punishment to us. What he has done, is withdraw his restraining hand, and said, OK, you have made your stake with your god, behold your god... Suffer the consequences." (Pg. 218, After The Warning To 2038)

The Rescue

Charlie Johnston, after visions of the Blessed Virgin and Archangel Gabriel: "Then the Blessed Mother will be allowed to rescue us. It will result in a fundamental re-unification of Christianity. "The Storm" is not God's punishment. "The Storm" is God letting us suffer the consequences of our actions. And even with the Storm, He is still holding back the full consequences."

"The sequence of ever-deepening chaos will continue until...the world will be miraculously, utterly, and visibly delivered from the terror by the intercession of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception." Charlie seems to relate in his early interviews that the Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception will visibly appear on this earth. "It is the decisive battle between good and evil. It will be followed by a great period of Christian unity, peace, and authentic prosperity.... "

Medjugorje visionaries ask Mary in 1982: "People are surprised that you are appearing in so many places." Our Blessed Mother responded, "If it is necessary, I will appear in each home." In this Rescue, Jesus continues to unfold the first Seal of Revelation 6:1-2 "He rode victorious, to conquer yet again." Jesus is intervening again, to calm us and help us realize that we must begin to prepare for change.

Maria Esperanza (1928-2004) stigmatist, interviewed by Michael H. Brown in 2003: "He (Jesus after the Warning) will disappear for some days and appear again. And when he disappears, people will go back again, to the mess, to the crazed things. He will bilocate. He will multiply himself, to assist everyone, in their homes, because this will be a definite thing. He will come and knock on every door. And then people will realize it is truly Him. He will let himself be seen for a little while and then will disappear, until God decrees, what has to be done. And then people will understand what is happening and begin preparing themselves. There is not much time for that. I will say from ten to twenty years." (Pg. 242, After The Warning To 2038)

