Our Lady of Peace to Pedro Regis: "Dear children, this is the time of your return. Do not remain on the sidelines. The day will come when the sun and the moon will no longer fulfill their travel, as in your days. Your eyes will see the signs, announced by my Son, Jesus. Bend your knees in prayer, asking the Lord's mercy for all of you. The dragon (China) , will meet the eagle (USA) and launch fire on their children, causing the destruction of a large part of its nest." (Pg. 225 After The Warning To 2038)
"Dear children, bend your knees in prayer. World peace is threatened. I suffer for what awaits you. The day will come when the furious dragon (China), will launch fire on the nest of the bear (Russia) and great suffering will be experienced, my poor children. Behold, the time has come, for me to predict it. The evil penetrates many hearts, and many of my poor children go blind, spiritually." (Pg. 225 After The Warning To 2038)
Charlie Johnston: "China is the real center and the real implacable enemy of western Civilization. China may already be the most militarily strong nation in the world. It will be the challenge posed by China, once she is fully unmasked, that drives Russia into the West and common cause with America."
"It is the decisive battle between good and evil. It will be followed by a great period of Christian unity, peace, and authentic prosperity. That is what will come... after we have been through the greatest crisis in the history of Western Civilization. Governments will fall, including our own (USA), and nations will be transformed, as the global civil war that will mark this period, sets in." (Pg. 226 After The Warning To 2038)
"China will seek to conquer the world and many will be stunned, at how carefully and completely it has prepared its assault. We (America) will not prevail over that one. Rather, Russia will ultimately become our most steadfast ally, and in our weakened state, all we can accomplish, is to endure until rescue comes. The Lord will send Our Lady, to rescue us visibly... Rescue will not come until all, including me, have lost hope. When that time comes, pretend to have hope, remembering, that faith is an act of the will, until Our Lady comes." (Pg. 226, After The Warning To 2038)
Father Nectou, S. J. (1760s) states: "When those things come to pass... then will such confusion reign upon the earth that people will think God has permitted them to have their own contrary will, and that the providence of God, is not concerned about the world. The confusion will be so general that men will not be able to think aright as if God had withheld His Providence from mankind. During the worst crisis, the best that can be done would be to remain where God has placed us and persevere in fervent prayers... This disaster will come to pass shortly after the power of England, begins to wane." (Pg. 226, 227, After The Warning To 2038)
Bishop George Michael Wittman: "Secret societies will work great ruin, and exercise a marvelous monetary power, and through that, many will be blinded, and infected with most horrible errors... the tempest will be terrible... great confusion will reign amid the princes and nations. The incredulity of the present day is preparing those horrid evils." (Pg. 184, After The Warning to 2038) Wittman lived during the French Revolution and saw in visions what is coming.
Blessed Elena Aiello from Blessed Virgin Mary: "The powers of evil are getting ready to strike furiously in every part of the globe. Tragic events are in store for the future. For quite a while, and in many, I have warned the world. The nation's rulers do indeed understand the gravity of these dangers, but they refuse to acknowledge that it is necessary for all people to practice a truly Christian life to counteract that scourge." (Pope Benedict beatified Elena Aiello in 2011; she has significantly more prophecies for this time.) (Pg. 184, After The Warning to 2038)
Blessed Elena Aiello from Our Lord: "Cry out until the priests of God lend their ears to my voice, to advise men that the time is near at hand, and if men do not return to God with prayers and penances, the world will be overturned in a new and more terrible war. Arms most deadly will destroy peoples and nations! The dictators of the earth, specimens infernal, ... will destroy things most dear. In this impious war, much will be destroyed of that which has been built by the hands of man." (Pg. 184, After The Warning to 2038)
Mother Elena Leonardi from Mary 1977: "The revolution has already begun... and cannot be stopped by human hands! There is a satanic power which walks in their midst... Deadly weapons are hidden everywhere in all parts of the world. Evil has grown and God's hand weighs over their heads." (Pg. 231, After The Warning to 2038)
Our Lady of Peace to Pedro Regis: "Humanity is heading towards destruction that men have prepared with their own hands. Millions of people will carry a heavy cross, and millions will die. Death will cross most continents, and parts of the earth will be destroyed. No greater pain has existed. Bend your knees in prayer." (Pg. 231, After The Warning to 2038)